View Our May Activity Calendar!

Life Enrichment Matters

All month long, Garden Courte Memory Care offers fabulous activities for our residents. Our Life Enrichment program encourages residents remain active, social, and involved in the community. Therefore, our activities are inclusive and fun. Each day, we make time to connect and play. As always, we welcome family and friends to join us at Garden Courte for any of our activities or events.

Reduced stress, increased longevity, greater fitness …  There are many reasons to remain social! At Garden Courte Memory Care, we could not agree more. Our Activities Director, Ursula Jordan, and our team of compassionate care staff advocate for each resident’s social life.  Ursula has worked at Garden Courte for many years and has an innovative imagination; she loves to incorporate her passions into her planning. What’s more, her calm, compassionate, caring, and patient demeanor is adored by our residents.    

photo of a life enrichment outing to the pumpkin patch with residents riding a tractor


What to Expect at GCMC

Expect to be seen and heard.  As soon as a new resident moves into Garden Courte, Ursula sits down with them and gets to know them.  Gaining an understanding of each individual’s history, interests and hobbies means activities are planned to suit their liking!  What’s more, every resident offers our community their own unique individuality. Sharing stories, playing games, celebrating holidays, and prepping recipes are just a few of the ways we connect each day.  Our Life Enrichment program is robust. We also like to hit the town!  Our activities bus (aka The Adventure Mobile) provides endless opportunities to explore. One of our favorite day trips includes a ride to the Boston Harbor Marina.  Our activity calendar is always full of intentional outings, projects, and delicious concoctions for everyone to enjoy! 

Garden Courte Transportation

We offer transportation services and provide opportunities for a variety of small group outings for our residents. Staff also provide transportation to medical appointments. Although we offer many enrichment activities within the walls of our Garden Courte Community, we also encourage residents to venture out and enjoy the freedom of going shopping and attending local social events.

Some of the places our community bus can take you:

  • Out to lunch
  • Shopping
  • Unique features of Olympia, WA (and surrounding areas)
  • Scenic drives/special day trips
  • Local events/programs at Senior Centers and Farmer’s Markets